Monday, July 25, 2011

School's around the corner AND....

I STILL do not have a projector for my white board

I need a really cool project for the first day of school

my room needs to be arranged, because right now all of the tables and chairs are in one big pile in the middle of the room

I need to make a seating chart from the list of students I do not have

I need to create an application for my year book staff

I need to order supplies to get me through the first week of school, may to get me through the first month

my tables need a good scrubbing down

my cabinets need a good cleaning out

I need to bring my art books from home to put on my classroom book shelves

I need to find a better way to organize all of my art supplies

I need to create my syllabi and course pacing guide

I need to organize my lesson plans

I need to find more lesson plans

oh! but that is why I have all of you:-)

now, I can relax!

Brand Spankin' New Car

So, my CR-V that I have loved dearly for the past 2 years, and was planning on loving for 10 more, started to head down hill. My hubby and I decided, rather than risking it totally dying on us, to trade it while it still had some value. SOOOOOO tomorrow I get this Subaru Beauty and I couldn't be more excited. I haven't ever gotten this excited about a car before. My first car was a  used Dodge Stratus which was totaled in awful accident (not my fault) which the 2002 CR-V then stepped in.  I felt like I should post this to my "home interior blog" Anything But Red, because I feel the same way about car colors. I will be getting a white one:-) Anyway, tomorrow it will be all mine!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hybrid Logos

My art II students did this as a short graphic design project. It took them about two 1.5 hr classes to do the whole thing. They had to come up with 3 sketches combining 3 current famous logos to create a new "hybrid."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Definitely a big hit! Students drew out a plan before they were allowed to start using a half mask template or a whole mask template ( I drew one of each on copy paper and students could choose) We used plastic molds and strips of plaster (you can order them through Blick) that were dipped into water and then smoother over the mold. Depending on the design students either did two layers on the same day if they didn't have any embellishments, or one layer and let it dry, then added wire for horns, beaks or whatever, and added another layer. After a few hours of drying the masks easily popped off the mold. ( I found it better to take them off before they dried completely.) Then students painted however they wished. If they used the neon tempera I had them put a gloss acrylic medium over it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Two Years!

It has been two years since our wedding, and I decided to share some photos from the big day!

the dress!

bridal party ( we all thought this was going to end up being a terrible pic and it was  a group favorite!)

my beautiful mother, I just loved her excitement on my wedding day and this photo captures it perfectly!

something old: a bracelet that my pop-pop gave to my nana on their 25th anniversary, they were married for over 50! Also the wrap is a piece of my mom's wedding dress:-)

The Best Men

A special blessing for us!

We had a special reveal since I wanted to get photos before the actual wedding. This is the first time T saw me on our wedding day. 


my magazine pose:-)

our brilliant photographer suggested we take a walk while everyone was eating cake. best pictures ever.



Groom and groomsmen

The ladies!

laughing about a miss understanding between T and me during the wedding ceremony. He put the ring on my right ring finger on accident, and he thought I was telling him he smelled like bourbon.


Designed by yours truly

Guest gift: homemade by my bridesmaids and me, 200 total.

yummy cake!

Father/daughter dance

best made of honor toast ever

my middle brother wrote me the best song ever.

he did good.

New hubby and mom dancing the night away!
I don't know why, but I love this picture. It captures how happy and comfortable I am around T.

Bubble farewell!

Photographer Web Site: Brendan Bush Photography