Friday, January 25, 2013


At the ripe young age of 5 months this little man is starting to sit up, roll over from back to front and front to back, giggle constantly, grab things, pass things from one hand to the other, and the other day he hugged me around my neck! He is very interested in what I eat and puts EVERYTHING into his mouth. Especially toes! He also likes to chew on his thumb. Eats every two hours, sleeps in the bed (not a crib), and has such a fun personality. He is a very happy baby, and extremely active. He talks to himself or anyone that will listen. He loves his jumperoo. And has even started to bounce when not in it (during nursing sessions tends to be the trend). We got him a high chair and plan to start solids sometime soon! Love for this little man grows everyday:-)


  1. Amy, he is so adorable! I like seeing the pictures of him that come across my FB news feed. In some ways, he looks like such a Whittle to me...but I see a lot of his dad, too. I know how much fun you must be having--what a great age! And I know just how thrilled your mom and dad must be as well.

  2. Thanks Laura! My parents are thrilled:-) Its a lot of fun watching them be grandparents! I love seeing the twins on facebook as well! Can't wait to see the new little one, coming soon!


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